
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tool #11 Reflections

1. I really liked creating a blog...If it were not for these assignments, I don't think i would've tried creating my own blog...I also liked finding and uploading videos to use in the classroom...and another favorite tool was finding a WIKI to create newsletters
2. In using my blog posts, students and teachers alike could use it as a resource in finding ideas, updates, thought, formats, directions, and a myriad of other applications...As for using videos in the classroom, I mostly used them in teaching the Science curriculum in SBISD, but I found so many math clips to use in my class...and the WIKIs that already have newsletter templates on it would be great for my students and team members to contribute their own ideas
3. It was surprisingly fun creating and searching the internet to complete the 11 Tools....I hope that same excitement, alacrity, and practicality translates to the students this coming school year!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool #11

Digital Literacy:
1. I really like the way the "Cool Cat" set it up in a graphic organizer with the student in the middle of 4 core areas: literacy, safety, learning strategies, and etiquette. I think that sums up very well what is important to remember to teach, model, and practice involving technology.
2. Another powerful part of digital literacy is the credibility of resources - to always remind the student to question and consider all information on a website to be the "truth" - to find multiple resources and check accuracy of information posted online.
3. Lastly, because it is a topic already widely circulated in classrooms, I think "bullying" even online should be emphasized. Because you can be so much more anonymous online, it is enticing to "get away" with comments you might not normally say in person. Also, the sharing of information and photos without the person's permission could also be very damaging. Just as we deal with bullying in school, it should be recognized and dealt with in a regular manner and not as an isolated lesson.

Teaching digital literacy:
1. I really like the format "Brain Pop" uses in educating, and introducing you to new technological terms and concepts. I learned so many catch phrases and terms, myself by watching the clips! I think it is an engaging way to teach digital literacy with topics like digital etiquette, or "netiquette", cyberbullying, blogs, and social networking.
2. I think a portion of "Open House" at school or other functions where parents are invited to school should be dedicated to digital literacy. Parent involvement and education should be stressed and not just taught to students alone in the classroom.
3. Finally, I think teachers should ultimately have in mind the creativity and collaboration technology can afford to enhance all learning and to make it a fun source of learning to ALL students.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Honestly, I previewed a lot of preschool educational apps because I have a 3 year old at home...My WOW moment is how long she can stay engaged and how ingenious Apple is for the ease of use...I never have to tell her how to manipulate the is so intuitive, even for a three year old...amazing!...It's a great way to keep her occupied in the car, waiting for appointments, and all those in between times when you want them waiting quietly.

The two apps I liked for my math classroom is Sudoku, and Math Drills Lite...Sudoku is a puzzle game that might challenge those who enjoy number puzzles such as I do...The Math Drills Lite is just basic operations practice which ALL fourth grade students need constantly!


1. Jing - the screencasts are a really cool idea!...One way for me to use it in my classroom would be to make a screencast to show students how to do math centers step by step or a "how -to" to log into some computer activities like "First in Math" and "Odyssey" math programs instead of always having to ask me or other students!

2. Skype - One of the ideas online for Skype was to use it as homework help...I thought that was a good idea, and it made me think it would be useful when, I, the teacher am absent....The substitute could Skype me if I were, let's say, at home with a sick child, and I could explain some concepts by way of Skyping instead of leaving detailed and sometimes complicated instructions for the sub to teach!..Of course Skyping other students and teachers around the globe is very enticing, too!

Tool #8

You would think by 4th grade, you do not need to do such basic skip counting, but it is so essential to review and exercise these rote activities...I am excited because we are going to concentrate on using number lines in the classroom this year and this video goes right with it!

This video just helps students understand why math is so important!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tool #7

Using Photostory was very systematic and much so that I think students would have absolutely no problem creating their own photostories as a wrapup or review of the year...field trips, activities, subject content learned, anything!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tool #6

Okay, the WIKI idea has got me very excited!...
I plan on having a book club with a select group of students, and on Google Sites, I saw a template for student clubs...That is the exact kind of newsletter template I was looking for...and by being a collaborative project that each student can contribute to on online, it makes it that much more engaging!
Also, the teacher newsletter is also very intriguing because as team leader I can disseminate information on the classroom template and have the team contribute their ideas and planning on the same will be like "live" team minutes!!!!

Tool #5

I chose and honestly, this application seems to be the least useful to of yet, that is...I'm sure I will find it practical sooner or later, but at this time, I'm not that "into" this app....hmmmmm...What do others of you think?

On my list, I added some sites I

and I joined two groups that I would like to receive weekly being...

I used tags like photography, math, teaching ideas, technology, education, and gifts...all of which are things I am interested in...

It is another good platform to share information with each other ...especially with people that share your interests....For school purposes, it is a good way to share with students your passions, hobbies, and interests and have them share their knowledge and introduce you to even more resources...

I'll be curious to read others' posts on this particular tool...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tool #4

Google Docs would be an effective way for students to collaborate to complete an assignment...Students could add to it at home and then come together in class to edit and finalize together.... I am hoping to host a book club this coming year, and it would be a great tool to have book club members comment on a shared document.

Google Reader would more likely be directed for my use and keeping up with the different subscriptions...whether it be professional or personal....

Tool # 3

Whoa!...That was a fun one!...
There are so many possibilities, but one way I can use "Wordle" is as a final math vocabulary review before the TAKS test...Students can work in pairs to remember as many math words as they can to create a word cloud...
I found the "Glogster" poster so fun!....They can use it to introduce themselves as a TRIBES activity or to create an "expert" poster...At the beginning of the year, I have the students draw/write about what they are experts at especially in math...That way, throughout the year, when other students need help, they can ask that expert....The glogster poster would make it that much more fun to create their expert page!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tool #2

Just as any new found diet, or exercise regimine, or strategy to use in the classroom, it's about sticking to it...
Try using and applying the suggestions/ideas from a PLN such as the one we're embarking on, and soon I think you will see "results" by ways of better innovations, better collaboration, better creations, and ultimately, better teaching....

The advice on commenting that really stuck out to me was "rewarding" the comments with a short reply acknowledging their always feels better when someone either agrees with or even disagrees with the comments you, yourself, leave on other networks, so why not so when people leave comments on your blog?....
Another note to commenting I thought about was trying to attract readers...I just figured blogging was a way to vent or share ideas...but not necessarily to command a lot of attention, but the more readers you attract, the more ideas can be shared...duh!

I am impressed with the following blogs:
Cool Cat Teacher Blog, 2¢ Worth, Weblogg-ed, Fischbowl, and The Always Learning Teacher

Tool #1

Setting up a blog is, keeping up with it is another story...
In the classroom, I could use it to communicate with students and parents about school content...but also, as a way to share ideas with other teachers...A more focused and professional social networking...per se....

First Post

Started a blog last summer, but never did much with it...Hoping to be much more fruitful this time around!