
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool #11

Digital Literacy:
1. I really like the way the "Cool Cat" set it up in a graphic organizer with the student in the middle of 4 core areas: literacy, safety, learning strategies, and etiquette. I think that sums up very well what is important to remember to teach, model, and practice involving technology.
2. Another powerful part of digital literacy is the credibility of resources - to always remind the student to question and consider all information on a website to be the "truth" - to find multiple resources and check accuracy of information posted online.
3. Lastly, because it is a topic already widely circulated in classrooms, I think "bullying" even online should be emphasized. Because you can be so much more anonymous online, it is enticing to "get away" with comments you might not normally say in person. Also, the sharing of information and photos without the person's permission could also be very damaging. Just as we deal with bullying in school, it should be recognized and dealt with in a regular manner and not as an isolated lesson.

Teaching digital literacy:
1. I really like the format "Brain Pop" uses in educating, and introducing you to new technological terms and concepts. I learned so many catch phrases and terms, myself by watching the clips! I think it is an engaging way to teach digital literacy with topics like digital etiquette, or "netiquette", cyberbullying, blogs, and social networking.
2. I think a portion of "Open House" at school or other functions where parents are invited to school should be dedicated to digital literacy. Parent involvement and education should be stressed and not just taught to students alone in the classroom.
3. Finally, I think teachers should ultimately have in mind the creativity and collaboration technology can afford to enhance all learning and to make it a fun source of learning to ALL students.

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